
Monday, April 30, 2012

Detox, Day 8

10:15 pm...I have to say that this whole not eating "typical" foods is becoming kind of normal.  Yes, I spent the day looking forward to my 9 pm dinner because it would have white rice and veggies beyond broccoli, but the moment-to-moment eating (or rather not eating) felt pretty normal today.

Breakfast was a shake at 7 am, followed by a bowl of strawberries (yay, fruit that wasn't an apple!) at 11 am, then another shake at 4 pm, then 7 contraband snow pea pods (I swear, I always forget peas are legumes.  They look so much like veggies!) and a salad (spinach, alfalfa sprouts, red bell pepper, carrots, and cherry tomatoes) at 5 pm.  Dinner at 9 pm was stirfried veggies (broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic, peppers) served over white rice, and I just downed shake #3.

I imagine (hope) that hunger will return as the shakes leave, but even so I feel like I'll be able to maintain a lot of the changes the detox process has forced.  I do see myself back to choosing fruits and veggies more consistantly to meet my hunger, and limiting the amount of cracker-type food.  I'm not sure how I'll feel about dairy when all is said and done, but I do know my relationship with my lattes is over.  I really, really like knowing that my body is empty of processed crap!  The only way I could drink my lattes was with vanilla syrup (though only 1 pump rather than the FIVE that cafes want to put in there), and I went for the sugar free to cut back on calories.  I think, if I were to give myself a drink as a treat, I'll order with sugar-full syrup but imagine those treats will be few and far between.

I also, come to think of it, like that I've gone without refined sugar this whole time.  I think I may end up only taking in sugar in baked goods, and I know that I'm ready to get back on the home-baked bandwagon in favor of eating sweets with all the extras that are baked in to packaged desserts.

My energy levels have been good this whole time, and I'm interested to see how they change as I pull back on the shakes.  I suppose the moral of the story is to be sure I'm taking in enough protein throughout the day, and that the protein should come from a good, clean source.

Oh, the Farmer's Market opens up in Evanston THIS SATURDAY!  It's like the growers and the city of Evanston *knew* I'd be finishing up my cleanse this week and would be ready for a broader base of organic, locally grown produce.  Thanks, Evanston!

I owe you some stats for yesterday and today.  I'll put them up in comparison to day 1 just so you can get the full picture of the craziness that is my body:

Day 1                                                    
Weight: 183.2                                      
% Fat: 34                                                
BMI: 29.5                                              

Day 7 (yesterday)
Weight 180.6
% Fat: 38.1
BMI: 29.2

Day 8 (today)
Weight: 180
% fat: 35.6
BMI: 29

As you can see, the body fat % is like a bouncing ball.  Ah, the joys of science!

I had a moderate level of activity today - 1 cardio class (Zumba), 2 low intensity dance classes, 1 meeting, and hours and hours of work at the computer.  Not too shabby.  There's a chance I'll be with a mama overnight for a birth, so I'm going to end this and go try to get some sleep. Sleep is recommended in my detox booklet, by the by.

I have the option to add legumes and nuts tomorrow, which should be fun!

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