
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Detox, Day 2

7:15 am...Oh - this shake is NOT tasty!  It's gonna be a loooong 10 days, well 9, of drinking this down.  I'm not a fan of milk, have never tried almond milk before, and messed up by trying to make the thing have a thicker texture resulting in having a TON of this to drink.  Ugh.  I'll be more careful with my measurements for my 2nd shake today.  And maybe the taste will grow on me?

In other news, I tried to go to bed early (10:30 pm) last night but wasn't able to fully fall asleep until closer to midnight.  I don't blame this on the cleanse...I just have a lot going on in my brain these days.  I did, however, basically pop out of bed ready to go at 5:15 am.  I'm not sure how much my diet has to do with that as I'm only on day 2 and the changes yesterday weren't that drastic, but it was nice all the same.  I had an organic banana and a cup of water as I left for my 6 am class.  The shake is my "2nd breakfast".  Blech.

9:00 am...Remember yesterday when I said I didn't notice an increase in my bathroom visits?  Um, noticing!  I'm peeing CONSTANTLY today!  Like every 20 minutes!  Here's hoping that stops right quick!  I started to feel a bit nauseous while working at the studio this morning, so I'm nibbling on almonds and sipping organic herbal peppermint tea, which is helping.

Body Check:
Weight - 181.6 (down 0.6 - not significant, and almost surely WATER)
% Body Fat - 32.7 (down 0.5 - down is fine, remember...UP is what I want to avoid on this, as that would indicate a loss of muscle)
BMI - 29.3 (down 0.1 - just math)

10:15 pm...So, I've made it almost all the way to the end of Day 2.  By request, here's what I've eaten and when.  Keep in mind that I have a CONSTANT struggle with finding/taking time to eat so this schedule is far from a recommendation, but I promised myself and others that I would be totally honest while documenting this process, so here goes...

5:45 am - Banana (Organic), 16 oz water, Probiotic & Detox support caplets
7:00 am - Shake #1 (Organic unsweetened almond vanilla milk, water, ice, shake powder, strawberries), sadly about 20 oz of liquid.  Ugh.
11:30 am - Red Delicious Apple (Organic), 32 oz water
2:15 pm - Almonds (organic) and Raisins (Organic)
4:30 pm - Shake #2 (organic unsweetened apple juice, shake powder), more successful this time as it tasted better AND was only 8 ounces to chug down; "baked" (in the microwave) potato with olive oil and salt, and homemade lentil soup (all organic ingredients, made by my wonderful husband), 16 oz water
5 - 9:30 pm - water...lots
10:30 pm - plate-sized salad with all organic ingredients (spinach, alfalfa sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, garbanzo beans, bell peppers); "fried" potatoes (cooked with olive oil), 16 oz water, Probiotic & Detox support caplets

The excessive peeing did slow down this evening (down to about every 45 - 60 minutes) so that was good.  I feel tired and I know I could/should have spaced my food out better today.

I'm also aware of the difference between how I'm looking at food and eating today (and yesterday) versus before starting the cleanse.  I am realizing how far I've strayed from the food-focus of my weight watcher days.  When I was actively working on losing weight I paid close attention to everything I put into my mouth.  I didn't eat things that weren't good for me or wouldn't be directly balanced by activity if they were farther from healthy.  These days, I pretty much eat what I want/what's in front of me.  I'm not too happy about that realization and hope that, after the cleanse is completed, I can find a happy medium where I don't need to be obsessive about my food choices but can default to the good, healthy choices I KNOW are what my body wants.  Most of the time.  Cake will still happen.

I think I neglected to share something I mentioned yesterday, but it's time to eat (right after I go to the bathroom...again).  Tomorrow, then...

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