
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Detox, Day 3

7:30 am...I fell asleep a bit easier last night, and had a good solid sleep before waking  up easily at 6:30 am.  I plan to check in with Mishra, my nutrition coach, to see what part of what I've changed might be contributing to the change in sleep because I *like* this side effect!  Today I'm supposed to cut out most grains (rice can stay), though I'm realizing I didn't have anything grain-y yesterday so I'm ahead of the curve on that.  Thankfully I still get nuts and fruits today - almonds have become my friend!

Today's teaching/working/living day is a typical one...5 classes (2 Zumba, 1 Dance With Me, Toddler, 1 Bellydance FitFusion, and 1 Rehearsal for Custer St. Fair) and a home visit (Touchpoints parenting consult).  I haven't taken advantage of the adjustment to my food plan that Mishra offered up of adding chicken (organic, farm raised, hormone free, expensive chicken) as needed, but today may be the day.  I'm planning on trying to grab a nap mid-day just in case I don't have the energy to make it all the way through teaching until 9:30 pm, so we'll see.

Breakfast (7:30 am)
Shake (organic unsweetened apple juice and 1 scoop powder)
Banana (organic)
20 oz water (I realized I've been getting a touch more than I thought with each of my "glasses" - yay!)
**Packing up almonds and raisins to take with me to keep me going until I get home for lunch at 12:30 pm

Here's hoping for a better bathroom day!

9:55 pm...Long Day!  I made it through everything on my plate though I won't lie - it was hard.  I don't think I ate as much as I should have...

"lunch" - almonds (organic) and raisins (organic), and a bowl of lentil soup (all organic)
"early dinner" - 2nd bowl of lentil soup, 2nd shake, Probiotic & detox support caplets

My "late dinner" is being prepped by my wonderful husband while I type, and will consist of broccoli, red peppers, carrots, onion, and garlic (all organic) sauteed in olive oil (not organic) and served over rice (not organic).  I've had about 80 oz of water today, plus 48 oz of tea and the 16 oz of apple juice used for the shakes.  The trips to the bathroom have slowed down and are far more manageable, though they do seem to peak right after I have the shake/caplet combo.  I'm still seeing WAY more liquid leave my body than solid, though the solids did kick up a notch today.  Nothing debilitating and nothing like the crazy voiding I've heard others mention in relationship to cleanses.

My daily stats were a bit disturbing this morning...

Weight - 180.6 (down 1.6 from day 1)
% body fat - 34.2 (up 1 from day 1)
BMI - 29.1 (down .3 from day 1)

I'm not thrilled with the change in the body fat number, but am deciding not to panic yet.  This measurement is very much affected by the amount of water in the body, so it may well be that the number will be very different tomorrow.  Breathing deep and trying to be patient.

As for how I feel, I'm not quite sure!  I did take (and need) a nap this afternoon, but just for an hour.  I felt a little low-energy by the time I was teaching my 8:30 class and wonder if I maybe needed a bit more protein this afternoon, though between the shake and the extra bowl of lentil soup I'd have thought I was doing ok.

My brain feels good, though.  I don't feel sluggish even when I'm aware of being body-tired.  I'm feeling good about my ability to walk past food that isn't in my "plan" for the day.  I'm more and more aware of my food challenges and am hoping to find my way clear towards fixing them on the other side of the cleanse.

I'm not entirely sure what else I should be cataloging in these posts, so if there are suggestions out there send them my way!

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