
Monday, April 23, 2012

Detox, Day 1

8:53am - so far so good.  I got out of bed at 6:45 like normal.  I had my first jolt when I came down to prep my breakfast (my kind husband had reminded me to eat something "real" to start my day) and realized I couldn't pour myself a cup of coffee!  Ice water first thing in the morning isn't quite the same.  So...Breakfast today:

1 8oz glass of ice water
1 fried egg (olive oil, egg - neither of which were organic...oops!)
1 banana (organic)
1 probiotic caplet
2 detox support caplets

I'm currently sipping cup of organic peppermint tea (no sweeteners), so I'm up to 16 of the 90+ ounces of water I'm supposed to drink today.

One of the side effects of doing a detox program is weight loss.  That's all fine and well but I want to monitor myself in terms of MUSCLE loss - I don't mind losing weight but I don't want to lose my hard-earned muscle!  Here's hoping for the best!

9:15 am Body Check (I'll do this every day):
Weight-  182.2 (this number can fluctuate and will likely go down per the published side effects of the program)
% Fat - 33.2 (this number should go down, NOT up, if there is any weight-loss)
BMI - 29.4  (this number is just the result of math and WILL go down if there is any weight-loss)

I struggled with whether or not to include the body check info...more on that tomorrow.

10:15 pm...The rest of my day went pretty well.  I taught 3 classes today (Mondays are my light day) and was able to hit the goal of 90 oz of water/tea.  I don't feel like I had to visit the bathroom any more than on a normal day.  Maybe some of that will kick in tomorrow?

The rest of my food today consisted of:

Mozzarella string cheese (2 sticks)
Scrambled eggs (2) with feta cheese
Almonds (organic)
Celery (organic) with Organic Hummus
White potato "fries" (baked with olive oil)
1 Red delicious apple (organic)
Peas (organic)
Strawberries (organic)

I did end up with a bit of a headache by evening, but that may be a result of new contacts as much as the change in food/elimination of caffeine since I was already down to only 1 cup of caffeinated coffee per day.

From where I sit right now, I'm glad I'm working with a Nutrition Coach and doing this detox in a controlled, monitored way.  Tomorrow will bring more changes - the introduction of the protein shake and the elimination of dairy, as well as a heavier day of teaching (5 classes and 2 personal training clients).  Wish me luck!

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