
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let it Go

In January, 2015, I put the following prompt up for potential guest bloggers:
Write about why you come to the studio, what happens in your class(s), what you ate for breakfast - whatever you want that you can tie in to the studio doings.
The In Their Words posts share the contributions of the women who answered that call, in their words, without edits.  Enjoy!

Let It Go by Rebecca Sturgeon

I danced today.  There was a time not too long ago when I wondered if that would ever happen again.  But a little over a year ago, I started taking bellydance classes at Hip Circle Studio, and discovered a love for this art form that has enriched my creative life.  

But the most profound thing is the love I discovered for something truly precious — my physical self.  I danced today and almost without thinking, my body made shapes and moving sculptures in the air that were lovely to look at.  I know — I have the video to prove it.  I danced today and when I watched the video to learn from it, I thought about the dance, not about how my belly looked or whether or not I had a muffin top in this outfit.  I danced today and I loved my bones and muscles for all things I have trained them to do.  I loved the length and space I could take up with my arms, and the smile I could see on my face.  I loved the heart that beat faster with every spin and jump.  

A while back, I spent time with Malik learning how to engage my glute muscles for hip shimmies.  We practiced for almost an hour — squeeze, release, squeeze release.  At one point Malik said something like, “The release is just as important as the squeeze.  You need to let go all the way.”  Later, I realized how much that little idea meant to everything.  

In this practice of dance and this learning, I could finally let go all the way.  I could let go of all the negative body image and self talk that kept me small and hiding.  And when I let go all the way, new things rushed in to lift me up.  I danced today and I let go all the way of the doubt that I was not good enough or trained enough or thin enough or pretty enough.  What rushed in was confidence, joy and some badass looking crossover turns.  

I danced today, I am going to dance tomorrow, and every day to follow for a very long time.  Every day I am looking forward to letting go, all the way, to see what rushes in.

Rebecca Sturgeon writes more about being a grown up woman in a strange new world at her blog,  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Achievaloutions - January 2015

I added a jar to each classroom on our first day of classes in January and declared them our Achievaloutions Jars.  
Students and visitors are encouraged to add notecards with their Achievaloutions (things they feel good about having done) throughout each month.  

This series will share all of the Acheivaloutions in hopes of inspiring you to do good things AND notice them when you do!

January 2015:
  1. "I am doing chores at home." - Augusta
  2. "I had my first (and not last) kale smoothie today before I came to class." - Sara
  3. "First class post-foot-surgery. - DONE!" - Debi
  4. "I learned to bellydance." - Lilia
  5. "I got strait As." - Anonymous
  6. "Did a back-bendy yoga class without getting queasy." - Anonymous
  7. "Took care of my beta fish." - Anonymous
  8. "I've been healthy." - Alice
  9. "12 days without sugar." - Anonymous
  10. "I made time to work out 4 days in a row." - Donna S.
  11. "Did a gajillion hamstring curls." - Anonymous
  12. "I made a goal pyramid." - Donna S. 
  13. "Planned quarterly business goals for 2015." - Margaret O. 
  14. "I studied for a test." - Anonymous
  15. "I did a headstand unassisted tonight.  Twice!" -Rachel
  16. "I finished a big project at work." - Anonymous
  17. "I got to dance with my mom for the first time in a while.  It was really great and fun.  I missed those kinds of moments." - Mia A.
  18. "I got a 96% on a test." - Anonymous
  19. "Becoming very comfortable in my improv, seeing it as having organized parts - even when I don't know the music." - Nancy C.
  20. "Came to 8:15 am Moxie Boxing on Sunday!" - Anonymous
  21. "Completing my 1 year anniversary with FHCC VA job I so love!" - Deb
  22. "I love bellydancing!!!!!!!" - Posie
  23. "Spoke up about/to someone being inconsiderate." -Rebecca
  24. "Finished my class plan & syllabus." - Anonymous
  25. "I sang row row row your boat in a opera voice." - Anonymous
  26. "Last week I made 21 calls for singing gigs!" - Roberta M.
  27. "Purged and sorted all my hard copy files at home - got rid of tons of paper." - Catherine M.
  28. "I completed learning the first Aliyah for my Bat Mitzvah." - Ronni L.
  29. "I gave my fries to a homeless man instead of eating them!" - Anonymous
  30. "Took beach photos every day this week!" - Margaret O.
  31. "Did speed bag with 3s(!!!)" - Anonymous
  32. "Woke up & came to 8:15 am Moxie Boxing after a late night out." - Mara J.
  33. "I got my hair pink." - Anonymous
  34. "I told my story in front of half the school." - Sammi
  35. "I started the year off right with dancing with my daughter." - Sara Jane A. 
  36. "Nora and I choreographed an entire song! Yay!" - Ronni L.
  37. "Got the new green card in the mail before February expiration.  :)" - Maike
  38. "Untangled a blue hip scarf!  :-)" - Anonymous
  39. "I tried bellydancing.  :-)" - Meg
  40. "I resolved a 5 month internet issue, and I finally have working internet at home.  It was a huge battle and I feel like I achieved something great!" - Anonymous
  41. "Launched my study/on-line survey." - Anonymous
  42. "Did hundreds with toe touches in Pilates today - Woot!" - Anonymous
  43. "Survived the first day of midterms." - Anonymous
  44. "I booked myself a gig! (with no assistant & didn't get too mixed up)" - Roberta M.
  45. "Exercise classes two days in a row." - Mara J.
  46. "I finished 3 books in two weeks." - Sammi L.
  47. "I checked out library books." - Anonymous
  48. "Getting sales tax filed. :-)" - Maike
  49. "I quit eating sugar!" - Margaret O.
  50. "Making regular time to exercise even when it seems I am too busy." - Anonymous
  51. "I conquered my fear of my dad's bed." - Anonymous
  52. "Awesome insightful brainstorming with the WBEW group today." - Maike
  53. "I baked 24 donuts and didn't eat one before class." - Anonymous
  54. "Potty trained my daughter in a day." - Kristin M.
  55. "My achievement I accept who I am!" - Anonymous
  56. "I came here despite being so tired." - Anonymous
  57. "Committed to fitness for 2015 in the coldest week of the year thus far." - Anonymous
  58. "I've exercised every other day for the past 10 days!" - Jacqueline
  59. "Getting my financial rear in gear (retirement planning)" - MVW
  60. "I loved coming to class with my daughter - seeing her smile & enjoy movement is an achievement." - Anonymous
  61. "I sang Happy Birthday in an opera voice." - Anonymous
  62. "Performed and did an art show on the same night." - Roberta M.
  63. "I took my first belllydance class." - Augusta
  64. "I took my first bellydance class. (and loved it!)" - Sara
  65. "I did a cartwheel in gymnastics class." - Miriam S.
  66. "I rock at belly dancing." - Alice G.
  67. "Started FUSEDChicago presidency. :)" - Maike
  68. "There classes this week!  Woot!" - Anonymous
  69. "I learned two songs in a day." - Anonymous
  70. "Feeling grateful I was relaxed in my morning school process." - SJ
  71. "I got nominated to go to Washington DC and learn to be a better leader for 6 days by myself." - Ronni
  72. "Got a B on Geometry Midterms!" - Anonymous
  73. "Went to the MS neurologist who congratulated me 2X!  For being in good control from working out." - Roberta M.
  74. "I cleaned my room today." - Miriam
  75. "I took advice from my mother to help me with a bully." - Anonymous
  76. "Sold a painting Friday." - Roberta M.
  77. "I learned some bellydancing!" - Lucia
  78. "Finished 3 work projects before long weekend." -Mara J.
  79. "I did yoga at home with the kids on our cold weather day." - Hannah
  80. "Boosted productivity using the 52/17 technique." - Malik
Look at all the AWESOME we've done this month!  Way to go, Studio Community!  I'm looking forward to February!